Thursday, January 19, 2012

Craving Take - Out, Eating at Home!

     Well, I'm back.  My last post was made in February 2011, and life has been quite busy since then.  I have moved from a townhouse into an actual 4 bedroom home, worked two temp jobs (that equaled about nine months), and continually started and stopped dieting.  My New Years Resolution this year was to not give up and to do everything in my power to continually lose weight.  I have lost 36 pounds since mid November, and I am well on my way to becoming a healthier, happier me.  Due to lack of work at the company where I was working, my temp job ended.  I have applied at a few different places and hope to hear something soon.  For the time being however, I am enjoying staying at home, searching for new recipes, and having a little extra time to work on me!  As I write this blog, I am planning my weekly meals.  I always grocery shop on Friday afternoons when I am working, but I have now decided to shop on Thursdays and use Fridays to do any food prep before the weekend so that I can spend time with my hubby.  Each week, I find myself searching for recipes with a similar theme.  I don't know why.  Maybe it's cravings, maybe it's craziness.  Either way, it's what I do!  This week the theme is: Restaurant Favorites.

     I love take - out.  I love Chinese food, Mexican food, anything on the menu at Cheddars - but let's face it, the traditional foods that I enjoy at restaurants are not exactly Weight Watcher friendly.  Granted I could order grilled veggies or baked chicken, and while those foods are yummy and healthy, when I go to a restaurant I'm highly unlikely to order a healthy entree.  So, I'm challenging myself this week to find recipes or create recipes for my restaurant faves.  Here are the entrees for the week.  I will post the recipes after I try them to ensure that what I am actually posting is yummy and worth the time!

Friday: Sesame Chicken, veggie lo mein, and pesto zucchini
Saturday:  Shrimp Egg Rolls (baked, not fried), veggie lo mein, and homemade spicy Chinese mustard sauce
Sunday: Chicken Wonton Tacos, black beans
Monday: Shrimp Tacos with roasted corn slaw, roasted potatoes and cabbage
Tuesday: Chicken Egg Rolls, veggie lo mein
Wednesday: Chicken Santa Fe (think taco soup with chicken a kick) with rice, sliced veggies
Thursday: Fish Tacos with roasted corn slaw, roasted potato wedges, and stir-fried collards

* It also appears that this weeks theme centers around Chinese restaurants, and you will notice that I am cooking veggie lo mein 3 different times, but I love it, my hubby loves it, and it's EASY!

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